- diaconicon
- дьяконник
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
DIACONICON — Locus in circuitu Ecclesiae, conservandis vasis dominicis et ornamentis Ecclesiae deputatus. Alias Secretarium, item Sacrarium. Consil. Laodicen. circa A. C. 368. Can. 21. vide Spelman. Glossar. Archoeol. Item liber Ecclesiasticus apud Graecos,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Diaconicon — The triple apse of an Orthodox church. The Altar is in the larger central apse, the Prothesis in the apse to the right, and the Diaconicon in the one to the left. The Diaconicon (Greek: Διακονικόν, diakonikon; Slavonic: diakonik) is, in the… … Wikipedia
diaconicon — /duy euh kon i kon , keuhn/, n., pl. diaconica / keuh/. a sacristy in an Eastern or early Christian church, usually on the south side of the bema. [1720 30; < LGk diakonikón ( > LL diaconicum), neut. of diakonikós of a DEACON; see IC] * * * … Universalium
diaconicon — sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
diaconicon — di·a·con·i·con … English syllables
diaconicon — … Useful english dictionary
Prothesis (altar) — The Prothesis is the place in the sanctuary [Traditionally, in Orthodox churches, the entire sanctuary is referred to as the Altar , the altar table itself being called the Holy Table or the Throne . This traditional terminology will be used… … Wikipedia
Piscina — A piscina or sacrarium is a shallow basin placed near the altar of a church, used for washing the communion vessels. They are often made of stone and fitted with a drain, and are in some cases used to dispose of materials used in the sacraments.… … Wikipedia
Koca Mustafa Pasha Mosque — Koca Mustafa Paşa Camii The mosque seen from northeast Basic information Location Istanbul, Turkey Geographic coordinates … Wikipedia
Catedral de Cefalú — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Catedral de Cefalú Tipo Catedral Ubicación … Wikipedia Español
Byzantine architecture — The Pammakaristos Church in Constantinople. Byzantine architecture is the architecture of the Byzantine Empire. The empire gradually emerged as a distinct artistic and cultural entity from what is today referred to as the Roman Empire after AD… … Wikipedia